Jumat, 10 Maret 2017

Nature Reserve Morowali

Nature Reserve Morowali

   Morowali Nature Reserve is located in two districts, namely Poso and Morowali Districts, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Once set foot on the ground Morowali, your eyes will be refreshed by the majestic expanse of trees that stand proudly on the banks of major rivers. When you turn his vision in the other direction, beautiful stretch of pasture weeds, small lakes are flooded, and the cluster of mountains Tokala that stands imperious, guaranteed to make you wonder. Nature Reserve Morowali does offer a complete botanical ecosystem types. Forest types in it are quite diverse, from coastal forest, mangrove forest, lowland alluvial forest, moss forest, to the kind of mountain forests.

   In addition to a variety of fascinating flora-way, in Morowali you can also enjoy life fauna is no less complete. Of the mammals, Morowali be appropriate habitat for mammals typical of Sulawesi, anoa, babirusa, monkey, rat-pack of bears, boars, deer, gray fox, and some types of bats and bat families. Morowali Nature Reserve also has the most representative species of birds. Based on the habitat, the birds in Morowali divided into two groups, namely water birds / marine and terrestrial birds. Types of sea birds / water in them are part-white sea eagles, grouse, tree ducks, wild ducks, snakes pecuk, cangak red, and others. In addition to serving as a place of recreation wealth of flora and fauna, Morowali Nature Reserve also offers a number of other activities, among others; research, particularly in the fields of biology, ecology, geology, cultural and social life. Several studies have been conducted in Morowali include research on shifting cultivation systems and how to hunt conducted Wana, education, namely by performing the process of introduction of plants, fostering love of nature, conservation and education cadre, and Ascent, among others, in some mountain climbing activities contained in Morowali, such as Mount Tambusisi which has an altitude of about 2422 meters, Mount Morowali with 2280 meters high, twin peaked mountain that is Mount Tokala having a height of up to 2630 meters.

   Then, the area was abandoned with the intention to restore soil fertility. Wana residents who are not familiar with modern life is settled in some villages, especially those located around the Valley Merangka Sobuku and Wood, among others in the village of Posangke, Kayupoli Village, Village Uwewaju, Ratobae Village, Village Sangkoe, and Langada Village. The reserve is reachable from several directions, and the easiest ways is take 2-hour boat ride from Kolonodale to Tambayoli, which is a settlement at the western end of the park. It is possible to charter your own boat to access other parts of the park, but this is much more expensive. From Manado there are several flights per week to Luwuk, but travellers with more time can take the overland route to Gorontalo and then board a ferry to Pagimana. From Luwuk it is a 6-hour bus ride to Baturube from which it is possible either to take a boat to Kolonodale or enter the eastern end of the park near the Tokala Mountains. The best time to visit is in the dry season (September to November). During the rainy season (May to June) the Tambayoli valley is sometimes prone to flooding, and the rivers are more difficult to cross.

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