Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

Pontanu Dance

Pontanu Dance
   Central Sulawesi has a rich culture, ranging from traditional costume, tradtional house, traditional songs, traditional weapons, and also the traditional dances. On the traditional dance of Central Sulawesi also variety, that is Modero and Pontanu.

   Pontanu dance is a traditional dance from Donggala area, Central Sulawesi and one of traditional dance that famous in Central Sulawesi, especially in Donggala area. This dance usually dance by female dancers and movement in this dance describe the activity of the woman are weave Buya Sabe or Donggala slipcover. This dance created as an appreciation of the weavers slipcover and to introduce other people about the Donggala silpcover. Then, this dance displayed on various events such as welcome the important guess, cultural festival, even tourism promotion.

   Pontanu dance is usually displayed by the dancers woman. The number of dancer dance pontanu it usually consists of four people dancer or more. With clad fashion typical,  dancer dancing by its movement that is distinctive and followed by intoning traditional music. Movement in this dance describes the weaver which was weave and combined with an art movement dance typical. For movement in a Pontanu dance is usually more dominated by motions of the hand soft and a movement of the legs header. In a dance pontanu usually beginning with dance movements that dikreasikan. Then in the midst of performances dancer dance with a movement like weaving. In a the end of usually ended with spread scabbard typical Donggala carried each dancer and and exhibited to the audience. Scabbard they are usually also played like hoisted like flag. In Pontanu dance usually accompanied by traditional musical fanfare central sulawesi as ngongi and double . Ngongi itself is a kind of musical instruments such as gong, while the double is the type of musical instruments such as on a kettledrum. To the rhythm of played usually adjustable with the motion of the dancers sehia visible in harmony. A costume used the dancers in a dance pontanu usually a fashion customary.In fashion superior usually use his loose sleeveless called to the nggembe.While for inferiors use scabbard typical donggala which is called by buya sabe.To accessories dancer usually use dali taroe (an earring), polosu unte (a konde), and ponto (bracelet). In addition, dancer also enforce scabbard additional folds and slid at the waist. Scabbard will employed to dance at the end dance.

   With progress in, Pontanu dance continued to be preserved and developed in the area C
entral Sulawesi, especially Donggala region. This dance is still often shown in various events such as welcoming guests important, the art show, culture festival, even tourism promotion. With progress in, various creation and variations also are often added luminance the sideshow .This is done so that more interesting but does not drive off his trademark features.


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